
Monday, October 31, 2016

Surprise! My child is an intelligent creature!

In the summer the son of our author was still in the Pokémon-Go-Madness. Now something happened that she never expected.
Probably the fear of the child is pasted into the genetic code of parents, an anthropological constant, which only varies according to circumstances, but always causes the same protective panic. The child could fall from the tree, be crossed by a tractor, or from an SUV; It could fall into the fire water, the beer or Alco-Pops and anyway, always and everywhere, on the oblique course and under the wheels.

For me, a three-hour daddle session before the Playsi or on the smartphone and I already see, in front of my inner eye, as the brain masses of my big gassing through the eyes on the screen. And leave him as an empty shell, lamenting wreck. The anthropological anxiety about the child attaches itself to the traffic of the street, and to the large of all kinds of addiction. This is because the great has an obsessive trait in his character, one can call him passionate or stubborn. In any case, I thought, when I still breastfeet him, boah, the times may not be drugs.

In summer it was time. He was 13. Pokemon Go came out. He had holidays, I too much to do. And thought: Now you let him do it, let it go, and see if he returns as your son or as a fluff-loaf. Stand your fear!
I hardly saw him for four or five days. If only to get food and to ask for distance to districts whose existence had not previously affected him. Wallstreifen, Treptower Park, Kottbusser Tor. I thought that was good. Something else. Outside, get to know the world in the fresh air. He grabbed his backpack and his longboard and put 76.4 kilometers in his city back and 17 levels in the game. On the seventh day we went abroad, without Flat, and I forgot the matter with the little monsters that my boys "celebrated" and "sought".

Recently asked a friend who knows about my primal fears: What has actually become of Pokémon Go? I was thrilled by a panic thrust: He makes it secret! And I have not watched! I had never heard of it, and at most I saw one or two collections of adults staring at their screens in places that did not give rise to crowds of people in real life, for example on the Bürsteteig 30 meters BEHIND a bus stop, next to a building fence with a view To a fallow.

But my big one still looked like my son and not like the smogon filled with poisonous gas. "Tell me," I asked, "are you still looking for Pokémon Go, or are you just celebrating?" He laughed, he knew if I was going to make a youth league, it could not be serious. But then he said totally seriously and without any circumcision: "I had no more free time! I did not go to the training anymore! "Then he met a friend:" He had a hack, I loaded it, and then it was no fun anymore, because I could do everything from home and not even get out had to."

I held my breath.

Pokémon Go is now, he said, as if he gave me a journalistically relevant information, ranked 84 in the app downloads. "This is also quite uninteresting for the rest of the world." But third place in the buying apps "because you can make in-game purchases". The conclusion I have not quite understood, but I did not care.

For suddenly it was as if my parents' fear, agitated in the genome, evaporated through the eyes. My boys stared at me both, as if I were just a lurking shell. I was so perplexed. Knowing that my son does not become a hypno. Instead, an intelligent, independently thinking being who is able to make wise decisions about a behavior which is not conducive to health. Parents, do not be afraid! At 13 you get really smart.

The update of Pokémon Go has just come out. Is to me completely schnuppe.