Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump - the election campaign polarized around the US presidency, the opponents could be more different. We present the candidates: Hillary Clinton stands for that.
Showdown around the White House and the succession of Barack Obama: The election campaign for the head of government, commander-in-chief of the armed forces and the highest representatives of the USA is entering the hot phase. This will end on 8 November with the vote on the 45th President of the United States.
On the one hand Hillary Clinton for the Democrats, wife of the former President Bill Clinton and former Foreign Minister, on the other side Tycoon and multi-billionaire Donald Trump for the Republicans.
We present the candidates: So Hillary Clinton ticks.
What does Hillary Clinton stand for?
It differs politically fundamentally from opponent Trump. Keywords Immigration: Clinton wants millions of illegally living people in the US to help legality and strengthen the economy through more immigration. That is why CEOs such as Sheryl Sandberg from Facebook and Eric Schmidt from Alphabet (Google Holding) belong to their supporters.
Also because Clinton is economic policy for more free trade. This is in line with the fact that the 68-year-old works for climate protection but, in environmental terms, doubts the interests of the economy.
What are Clinton's goals as president?
"Make America great again" is the slogan of opponent Trump, but it could also be broken on the goals of Clinton. For example, Hillary Clinton appears harder on foreign policy than Barack Obama. In her opinion, the US and Europe must show more strength against Russia and Kremlinchef Vladimir Putin. Obama in the past openly posed a "stupid" policy in the Syrian conflict. The reluctance of the US had led to a power vacuum that would benefit jihadists.
It wants to invest sustainably, internally and socially, but not at all costs, which means that the rich are more taxed, relieve the middle class and support low-income earners. On the other hand, it rejects another government debt; high budget deficits once called it "a threat to national security".
What is the strategy of Hillary Clinton?
Clinton wants to give everyone a voice. "We should all stand together, black and white, handicapped people and non-disabled, old and young," she said at the Democratic Convention for her nomination. For a long time, the often unquestioning Sachpolitiker had to endure harsh insults against Trumps.
At the beginning of June a change of strategy took place at an election campaign in San Diego - it has been attacking itself since then. It challenges the character of Trumps, raises the Republican's temperament and cluelessness in core themes, calls him an incalculable danger to the US. Trump was "hopelessly unprepared" and characterally "unsuitable" as chief commander of the armed forces, she said. It would be "a historic mistake to choose him as president"
What is Clinton criticizing?
"Hillary Clinton is something like the embodiment of the mainstream," said the political scientist Michael Dreyer from the University of Jena in conversation with the "Deutschlandfunk". It encircles the reproach of using itself first of all for the elite. The chief editor of "The Globalist", Stephan Richter, wrote in a guest contribution for the "F.A.Z." Of clan thought and money, the "New York Times" reported in June 2014 by allegedly horrendous speaker fees. It also assumes a divisional character.
The fact is, Clinton comes from the middle of the establishment, lobbying is anything but foreign to her.
What is the advantage of Hillary Clinton?
Bernie Sanders formulated the primary goal of the Democrats: "Donald Trump must not become president." The 74-year-old Senator from Vermont gives the line: All, even Sanders, their internally long time of the worst opponents, must now hold to Clinton. It is therefore hardly surprising that Obama is campaigning offensively for the woman, who once attacked him publicly.
What is the weakness of Clinton?
"Sanders has a message of authenticity that he really stands for what he wants and stands for a change in traditional politics," Dreyer told the "Deutschlandfunk" about Clinton's inner-party adversaries - and thus declared the biggest deficit of the presidential candidate. She has to fight with credibility, is considered a cool career woman.
This is not the case with many young US-Americans. They are above all proportional to the undecided voters.